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EDITING - Static variable in class sc.fiji.snt.SNTUI
Flag specifying UI is currently waiting for user to edit a selected Path
editModeAllowed() - Method in class sc.fiji.snt.SNT
Assesses if activation of 'Edit Mode' is possible.
enableAstar(boolean) - Method in class sc.fiji.snt.SNT
Toggles the A* search algorithm (enabled by default)
enableAutoActivation(boolean) - Method in class sc.fiji.snt.SNT
enableComponents(Container, boolean) - Static method in class sc.fiji.snt.gui.GuiUtils
enableHessian(boolean) - Method in class sc.fiji.snt.SNT
EnableSciViewUpdateSiteCmd - Class in sc.fiji.snt.gui.cmds
Implements the 'EnableSciViewUpdateSite' command.
EnableSciViewUpdateSiteCmd() - Constructor for class sc.fiji.snt.gui.cmds.EnableSciViewUpdateSiteCmd
enableSnapCursor(boolean) - Method in class sc.fiji.snt.SNT
Enables SNT's XYZ snap cursor feature.
enableSourceVersion(boolean) - Method in class
endElement(String, String, String) - Method in class sc.fiji.snt.PathAndFillManager
equals(Object) - Method in class sc.fiji.snt.annotation.AllenCompartment
equals(Object) - Method in class sc.fiji.snt.SearchNode
equals(BoundingBox) - Method in class sc.fiji.snt.util.BoundingBox
Compares two BoundingBox objects for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class sc.fiji.snt.util.PointInImage
equals(Object) - Method in class sc.fiji.snt.util.SNTColor
equals(Object) - Method in class sc.fiji.snt.util.SWCPoint
equals(Object) - Method in class sc.fiji.snt.viewer.Viewer3D
error(String) - Method in class sc.fiji.snt.gui.GuiUtils
error(String, String) - Method in class sc.fiji.snt.gui.GuiUtils
error(String, String, String) - Method in class sc.fiji.snt.gui.GuiUtils
error(String) - Method in class sc.fiji.snt.SNTUI
error(String, Throwable) - Static method in class sc.fiji.snt.SNTUtils
errorPrompt(String) - Static method in class sc.fiji.snt.gui.GuiUtils
exitReasonStrings - Static variable in class sc.fiji.snt.SearchThread
expandAllTreeNodes(JTree) - Static method in class sc.fiji.snt.gui.GuiUtils
exportAllPathsAsSWC(String) - Method in class sc.fiji.snt.PathAndFillManager
Exports all as Paths as SWC file(s).
exportDetailToCSV(File) - Method in class sc.fiji.snt.gui.ShollAnalysisDialog.ShollResults
exportFillsAsCSV(File) - Method in class sc.fiji.snt.PathAndFillManager
Export fills as CSV.
exportSummaryToCSV(File) - Method in class sc.fiji.snt.gui.ShollAnalysisDialog.ShollResults
exportToCSV(File) - Method in class sc.fiji.snt.PathAndFillManager
Output some potentially useful information about all the Paths managed by this instance as a CSV (comma separated values) file.
extractDouble(JTextField) - Static method in class sc.fiji.snt.gui.GuiUtils
extractNodes(File, String) - Static method in class
Extracts reconstruction(s) from a JSON file.
extractTagsFromPath(Path) - Static method in class sc.fiji.snt.PathManagerUI
extractTrees(File, String) - Static method in class
Extracts reconstruction(s) from a JSON file.
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